Monday, February 16, 2015

DTL- Thing #3 Reflection- Google Docs

Image taken from
    Google has taken charge of the world in many ways. They have a wide variety of tools to use in and outside the classroom.  Some of the most amazing tools that Google has created is their collaboration tools.  Google docs offers so many options with their collaboration tools.  You can make slides, documents, and sheets very easily.  Once created, you can invite others to work on those documents with you.
    Google Doc Templates have made my life more professionally productive by allowing me to collaborate with my co-teachers on documents and work with other staff to organize school events.  Preparing for co-teaching or school events have become more of a team task, not a division of who is doing what task.  An example of using Google Docs in my classroom is using Google Docs for conferencing notes with my students.
    Google docs could change working in the classroom by allowing my students to collaborate on projects and me joining them to see what they have completed.  It also allows to know who exactly is doing what by presenting their name and a color associated to their name on where they are inputting information.  I could also use these tools for students to show their completed project and allowing their peers to comment on their project right on the Google Drive.  Another positive note of Google Docs is that students can work on a document from anywhere. Students would have the option of working together, without being together.  
    No matter what way you look at it Google Docs are one of the best collaboration tools available.  It is free, easy to access, and easy to learn.  There are so many options of different types of docs and templates available to make you feel satisfied with all the options provided. 

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